
During a video and audio production course, I was assigned the final project of creating a mini-documentary. All aspects from pre-production, storyboarding, interviews, and post-production were handled solely by me. As this was my first time creating a video production with so many parts by myself and there was a lot of planning required to ensure the final product would be a success.

I began by filling out a pre-production brief. This document allowed me to map out my ideas before beginning production, making myself aware of what tone I wanted the piece to have. I prepped a list of questions that would be asked during the interview portion to ensure all bases were covered during the filming process. I also created a script and accompanying screenplay for the voice-over with prompts for sound effects and shot changes.

When it was finally time to film, I began by collecting b-roll. I had almost an hour of b-roll footage collected for a five-minute documentary, but I knew that having more to choose from in post-production would be ideal. Because I was working with my cat as my focus, I ran into some challenges getting the right shots with an animal as my subject matter. Next, I set up the interview portion of my documentary, placing the camera on a tripod in the appropriate position, over the interviewer’s shoulder. I then set up multiple light sources that would not wash out the subject. The interviewee was given a microphone to hold just out of frame so their response could be clearly heard over any music or sound effects. The final step of the production phase was to record the voiceover that would be featured throughout, on Audacity.

After wrapping up filming, I imported all of my footage into Premiere Pro and began piecing the production together. I searched for light-hearted and quirky music on PixaBay, finding one that fit my desired tone. I referenced my screenplay for a general timeline as I blended the voiceover and b-roll together. The documentary closes with the interview portion, a nameplate appearing for the interviewee. The final product is a quick feature on the life of a cat and how they communicate with their owners.


Logo Stinger


Montage Production